Jump Ball is from Elçin Sangu...

Pink Ball which became an awareness symbol for breast cancer’s early diagnosis was on the court for the fourth time at the Anadolu Efes – Real Madrid match on 12 October.

The Pink Ball on the Court project which has been done through the collaboration of Anadolu Health Centre and Anadolu Efes Sports Club since 2014 and supported by a celebrity every year, this year’s volunteer supporter was successful actress Elçin Sangu. The match between Anadolu Efes and Real Madrid began with Pink Ball jump ball. Pink Ball has aired through Elçin Sangu’s hand this year.

Every year 1 million 400 thousand women are diagnosed with breast cancer. In USA 1 in every 8, in Europe 1 in every 10 women are diagnosed with breast cancer and it is responsible for 14% of the cancer deaths. Though early diagnosis has a vital importance.

The Pink Ball on the Court project which has been done through the collaboration of Anadolu Health Centre and Anadolu Efes Sports Club is continuing to raising awareness for the fight against breast cancer. The project which is fulfilled in October that is known as “Breast Cancer Awareness Month” worldwide for the fourth year, the Euroleague match between Anadolu Efes Sports Club and Real Madrid began with the pink ball’s jump ball through Elçin Sangu’s hands.

Elçin Sangu: Don’t be afraid of breast cancer

The successful actress and the volunteer supporter of the breast cancer early diagnosis awareness project Elçin Sangu; “It is important to remember the reality of how early diagnosis saves lives and it is vital to have a regular control schedule. I am very happy to have a part in the fight against breast cancer which threatens the women’s health. I hope that I can help to carry out this awareness to more women”. The successful actress, who volunteered for the project to emphasize people should not be afraid of breast cancer and early diagnosis save lives, Elçin Sangu: “It is vital to have regular breast check-ups for protection from breast cancer. Breast cancer can be treated through early diagnosis. Every woman should consider the importance of controls after a certain age.”

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  • Pembe Top Sahada
  • Elçin Sangu